With TagAlong, you add selections from Midjourney by draggin-and-dropping them into your side panel. Once you do so, you unlock a world of possibilities in how you organize them.
MidJourney Alpha
MidJourney Alpha
+ TagAlong
Create Classifications
Create Channels, then create images directly in Channels.
Create Folders, then apply add images you create to folders.
Create Tags, and apply them to images you add to TagAlong.
Set rules for classifications to be applied to images.
Images can be created directly in channels, but no ability to automatically add to other channels.
Create Smart Folders that add images when they are created.
Create Autotag Rules that apply whenever you add an image to TagAlong.
Setting up auto-tagging rules in TagAlong is quick and straight-forward, but also very powerful.
Create classification rules that use more than just prompts.
No Automatic classification.
Smart Folders only allows rules based on prompts.
Supports Autotag rules with a wide range of inputs: job type, date, image reference, and more.
Allow for rules that are more than just prompts. Any parameter, the date, other tags, even source images can all be used to define classification rules.
Modify collections of automatically classified images.
No Automatic classification.
If an image matches a Smart Folder, it cannot be removed. Images that do not match rules cannot be added to a smart folder.
Add or remove any tags from any image without restrictions.
Once tags are applied to images, you can make any changes you want, adding additional tags, removing those that were applied afterwards. This is very different from Midjourney Alpha, where a Smart Folder doesn't allow the freedom to remove images from it, or add new images to it.
Easily apply classifications to images after creation.
Moving images between Channels requires sending commands to Midjourney and must be run on individual jobs.
Select images from the archive and add them to a folder.
Quick Tags allow you to set up a group of tags and apply them to filter results or selected images in seconds.
If you want to apply tags to images after they've been imported, TagAlong offers a range of options: add tags directly to an individual image; create a new filter, and add one or more tags to everything that matches that filter; select any number of images individually, and apply tags to those images.